Unlike some, I tend to enjoy the random and simple things in life. Whether it be a something I observe in real life or a movie, it brings me great joy :-) Life is full of those unexpected moments, which makes life worth living. It's those unplanned moments that become treasured memories. So, to make this sound less like a graduation speech, I'd like to share some of my favorite random movie clips and photo's :-)
In January, I announced to you all that I had been accepted into WSU Tri-Cities. After being admitted as a student, I applied for their Elementary Education program. Well, I turned in my application the last week of March and have been anxiously waiting to hear back from them.
I'm happy to announce that I have been accepted into the Elementary Education program at WSU. I will admit, I did scream when I found out yesterday :-) I'm absolutely pumped and can't wait to start classes August 25th! It's hard to believe that I'll be taking classes that will be preparing me to become a teacher and that in 2 short years, I will be a teacher!
I apologize for not posting any new blogs. I haven't been feeling well the past couple of days and on top of that I have mid-terms at school this week! My family is also in the process of moving, so life is hectic. I'll be taking a break from blogger for a week or so. Be sure to come back, I have lots of ideas for new blogs!